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Digital Marketing Expectations vs Reality

To encourage the market participant to buy the products and services, individuals or businesses undertake many activities known as marketing. When we do it through the internet and other forms of digital communication, it is called Digital marketing.

Some see it as a luxury while others see it as a huge potential to make their name in the business world. Let’s find out some of our expectations and what’s the reality behind it.

Expectation 01: A website is a must for digital marketing.

Reality: It is a good start to go online through social media sites, text, and multimedia messages. But if you really want a mature digital campaign, a website is a must. It establishes credibility and authenticity and gives a wide footprint. Websites are the key component in digital marketing.

Expectation 02: Only for the Giants.

Reality: Any size campaign can be created to suit any budget level. Budget to reach ratio is far more than any other marketing mode. Targeting specific customers is also possible in digital marketing. It will suit from giants to micro enterprises to individuals.

Expectation 03: It can be fully automated.

Reality: Many programs for automatic postings, apps for graphics, available in the market but to make them successful manpower still needed. Creativity, humour still not expected from automation, human touch still needed.

Expectation 04: Per content will bring me more profits.

Reality:In business per, process profit will not be calculated; similarly, in the digital market per content profit will not be considered. It builds a name in the market for the long run, which will not be calculated in terms of profit.


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